

Lembongan Hotels, Lembongan Resorts, Lembongan Bungalows, Lembongan Villas, The Lembongan Traveller, Nusa Lembongan Hotels, Nusa Lembongan Resorts, Nusa Lembongan Bungalows, Nusa Lembongan Villas,

Galungan & Kuningan Day in Nusa Lembongan

Galungan and Kuningan day in Nusa Lembongan are two of the most important days on their calendar.  Galungan is the day when all Balinese Hindu people celebrate Darma (good spirit) win over Adharma (bad spirit). Galungan is always celebrated on a Wednesday and ten days later, Kuningan is on a Saturday every 6 months (210 days) in the Balinese calendar. This year Galungan is on February 28th & September 25th, 2024.

The spirits of deceased relatives who have died and been cremated return to visit their former homes, the living family members have a responsibility to be hospitable through prayer and making offerings.

Read on to gain an understanding of what takes place on and in the lead up to Galungan and Kuningan Day on Nusa Lembongan.

It is celebrated with colour, as magnificent penjors ( large bamboo poles with offerings suspended at the ends) are installed along the roadside of businesses and homes.

25 days before Galungan, Hindus people will have ceremony call “ Tumpek Wariga’’ which is for the trees, especially those that will be used for Galungan like coconu, mango & banana trees.   They pray that these trees will having fruit for them to use as offerings on Galungan day.

6 days before Galungan, is called ‘’Sugihan Jawa’’, in Lembongan people will clean all the temples, surrounding areas and also the things that they will use for the ceremony on Galungan day



5 days before Galungan, is called  ‘’Sugihan Bali’’ on this day people will start to make offerinsg from coconut leaves. Women in the family will start making a variety of offerings totally over 500+ by Gulangan day.


3 days before Galungan , is called ‘’Penyekeban’, people will go to their garden to harvest fruit and do fermentation of banana so they can use it in offerings and ceremonies for Galungan.


2 days before Galungan, is called ‘’Penyajaan’’ on this day Lembongan people will make Balinese cake and crackers to use in offerings for Galungan ceremonies.

1 day before Galungan, is called ‘’Penampahan’, men from the families will put up Penjors they have made from bamboo, coconut leaf, rice, garden produce, some will include seaweed, fruit, Balinese crackers & cake, plus one piece of yellow and white  cloth with the gods symbol on it. Families decorate their temples, house and prepare food such as satay and a special Balinese soup called “ares” made from chicken/pork  and banana tree trunk ready for the day ahead of celebrations.

On Galungan day,  people will start the day early with ceremonies from 5am at their house, they will then move onto their family temple and continue visiting other temples in their village. Normally the ceremonies will finish around 1pm.  They then return to their homes to enjoy a feast of food with their family and friends.


The day after Galungan, is called ‘’Umanis Galungan’’ this is time for the Lembongan people to take a break and relax with their families after long days preparing Galungan ceremonies.

Kuningan day, is celebrated 10 days after Galungan by the Lembongan people with smaller offerings than on Galungan.


5 days before Kuningan is the day Lembongan people will start to make offerings from coconut leaves.

3 days before Kuningan is called ‘’Penyekeban’’ people will go to their garden to harvest fruits and do fermentation from banana so they can use it in offerings and ceremonies for Kuningan.

2 days before Kuningan, is called ‘’Penyajaan’’ on this day Lembongan people will make Balinese cake and crackers to use in offerings for Kuningan ceremonies.


1 day before Kuningan  is called ‘’Penampahan’’, people will decorate their temple with new offerings for Kuningan also making satay as they did at Galungan, plus preparing the special dish called Nasi Kuning (yellow rice) which is symbolic of Kuningan Day.



On Kuningan day Lembongan people will start earlier than Galungan,  at 4am in the morning offerings and ceremonies will begin.  This is because on Kuningan day the Gods only come to the temple for half day so they need to start early. On Kuningan day families only visit a few temples for the ceremony not all temples like on Galungan. In the afternoon Lembongan people will gather at the main temple for a Barong dance.

Same with Umanis Galungan, the day after Kuningan day everyone returns to their family house to clean and tidy up everything used for the recent ceremonies.

30 days after Galungan , the penjors are taken down and burnt along with the offerings that were used to decorate these bamboo structures.  The ash is gathered in respect to the gods and spread in the house garden.

Nyepi Day, Lembongan Hotels, Lembongan Resorts, Lembongan Bungalows, Lembongan Villas, The Lembongan Traveller, Nusa Lembongan Hotels, Nusa Lembongan Resorts, Nusa Lembongan Bungalows, Nusa Lembongan Villas,

Nyepi Day


Nyepi Day, falls on 11th March this year, a day of silence, celebrating the start of the Hindu new year, for the Balinese this is a time to reflect on the year past and plan for the year ahead.


The Melasti Ceremony is a purification ritual usually held a few days before Nyepi Day. This takes place on the beach, is a colourful spectacle where people bring offerings and pray to cleanse their bodies and earth of bad spirits.

On the eve of Nyepi, i villages and communities gather with their Ogoh Ogoh ( large paper mache sculptures) and parade through the streets which end with them ceremoniously being burnt, symbolizing purification.  This is a spectacular procession and a highlight of the  Nyepi festivities.

Nyepi Day itself is a spiritual day reserved for self reflection, observed from 6 am on 11th March until 6 am on 12th March,  with anything that may interfere with that purpose being restricted. The main restrictions are no power, no working, no entertainment, no travelling (people stay at home) and, for some, no eating.

Although Nyepi is primarily a Hindu holiday, non-Hindu residents and tourists are not exempt from the restrictions.  We ask all visitors to Lembongan during Nyepi Day to respect these traditions and to remain within their accommodation confines. Whilst some hotels on Bali receive special permission to use limited power, it is far stricter on Nusa Lembongan with many places closing or operating without power and minimum or no staff for the day.  It is advised you check with your accommodation to find out their policies surrounding this special day.

We trust all visitors will be mindful and respectful of Nyepi Day and the importance it plays in the Hindu culture.


Please note no boats will be operating on 11th March 2024 and a revised schedule for 10th March.  Normal boat schedules resume on 12th March.  For more information please Whats App +61 478 928 925

Nyepi, Lembongan Hotels, Lembongan Resorts, Lembongan Bungalows, Lembongan Villas, The Lembongan Traveller, Nusa Lembongan Hotels, Nusa Lembongan Resorts, Nusa Lembongan Bungalows, Nusa Lembongan Villas,
Nyepi Day, Lembongan Hotels, Lembongan Resorts, Lembongan Bungalows, Lembongan Villas, The Lembongan Traveller, Nusa Lembongan Hotels, Nusa Lembongan Resorts, Nusa Lembongan Bungalows, Nusa Lembongan Villas,


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